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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/20/2012
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Selectman Genest in the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Mr. Tenney, Mr. Genest & Mr. Robertson
Staff present:          Galen Stearns (Town Administrator)

1.      Mr. Robertson motioned to approve the minutes of July 23, 2012, Mr. Genest 2nd.  Passed 2/0/1 with Mr. Tenney abstaining
2.      Mr. Robertson motioned to approve the non-public minutes of July 23, 2012, Mr. Genest 2nd.  Passed 2/0/1 with Mr. Tenney abstaining
3.      Mr. Robertson motioned to approve the minutes of August 15, 2012, Mr. Tenney 2nd.  Passed 2/0/1 with Mr. Genest abstaining
4.      Celeste Lunetta presented a request that has been approved by the Recreation Commission to install a pitching wall adjacent to Shea Field.  Mr. Tenney questioned if we were sure that the land that the proposed wall would be located was actually Town land or is it School district land of if Town land is the control of the land the School’s based on the lease.  Mr. Lamb stated that the School submitted a request last year to plant trees in the same area and this indicated that the School considers this to be Town land.  Mr. Stearns asked the board if either an surveyor or lawyer or both should be consulted to answer the ownership question as this keeps coming up over and over with no resolution.  The board asked Mr. Stearns to gather all deeds, leases and warrant articles that have dealt with the property before we proceed with either a surveyor or lawyer.
5.      Mr. Stearns presented a request from Melissa Stewart on behalf of Cub Scout Pack 2 to waive the rental fee so they can hold their pinewood derby at the Town Hall.  Mr. Genest said that this event has been held at the gymnasium before and that there would probably be better parking and more room than at the Town Hall.  Mr. Robertson motioned to waive the rental fee, Mr. Tenney 2nd, passed 3/0
6.      Mr. Stearns presented the board with a letter from Mr. Dennis Thorell stating that he would be retiring as of September 12th and would not be renewing his contract as the Town Forester. Mr. Stearns said that Mrs. Chauncey was asking Mr. Thorell for recommendations for a replacement forester.
7.      Mr. Stearns presented a request from the Town Clerk and Chairman of the Supervisor of the Checklist to move the polling place to the upstairs of the Town Hall because of the cramped conditions during the last election.  Mr. Genest motioned to move the polling place to the upstairs of the Town Hall, Mr. Tenney 2nd passed 3/0
8.      Mr. Stearns presented the board with 3 proposals for a reclamation plan for the Steele Pond sand pit.  The three bids that were received were:
a.      Moser Engineering - $7,000
b.      Fieldstone Land Consultants - $10,300
c.      Meridian Land Services - $13,000

Motion by Mr. Genest to award the contract to Moser Engineering for $7,000, 2nd by Mr. Robertson, passed 3/0
9.      Mr. Stearns presented the board with a proposal for upgrading the security cameras and recorder for the Town Hall and the skate park / tennis courts.  With the cost for the entire project being over $15,000, the board felt this should be included in the budget for next year.
10.     Mr. Stearns presented an update of the legal costs to date for the wind project which includes the ZBA lawsuits, SEC, PILOT, contract, MET tower etc. totaling $46,150.43 through July 31, 2012.
11.     Mr. Stearns reminded the board that the 2nd tech session for the SEC was scheduled for this Thursday and Friday (August 23rd & 24th), a final Pre-hearing Conference on Friday, September 7th and the SEC hearings Monday – Friday (September 10th – 14th)
12.     Mr. Stearns asked the board to set some future meeting dates which will be 9/17, 10/1 & 10/15.
13.     Mr. Genest said that Deputy Fire Chief Marshall Gale had asked him to have the board appoint Deputy Chief Eric Philips as a Deputy Forest Fire Warden.  Mr. Genest motioned to appoint Deputy Chief Philips as a Deputy Forest Fire Warden, Mr. Tenney 2nd, passed 3/0
14.     There being no further business, Mr. Robertson motioned to adjourn, Mr. Tenney 2nd, passed 3/0 meeting adjourned at 7:43 PM